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me as a powerpuff girl

j-town weekend 2003

07.07.03 - 9:28 p.m.

If you must know, Bassett wore a Band-aid over her hickey and told the fam she was involved in a freak accident carrying her stereo speakers. I tried not to be involved in the conversation as she explained, for fear I would guffaw or do something else unsavory to give away the game.

At any rate, no one mentioned the neck 'injury' after that for the rest of the weekend, so I guess it worked. Or Dad just believes what he wants to believe.

Unlike Jessica, my weekend was a pretty good one for cats. Or rather, my fat fluffy deaf cat, who has become the most docile, pleasant cat ever since he lost his hearing. He used to be evil and jumpy and would swat you if you attempted any sort of affection. (Bassett: "I petted him for 10 seconds!" Me: "I petted him for 15!") But now that he can't hear you, he is personable, loving and -- dare I say it? -- happy. I scratched his head for a full minute on several occasions and was able to pick him up TWICE. Who knew all his neuroses were connected to his hearing?

We ate more Primanti's and toddled around the Strip District on Saturday. I'm starting to feel bad for Dan. I know he's content to eat the same thing over and over again, but I take him to Primanti's EVERY SINGLE TIME we go to Pittsburgh. He never gets to eat at any other restaurant (except the noodle shop) and I feel guilt that I'm not introducing him to more of the area cuisine. Well, I did give him gobs and pizzelles, so I guess that's something.

Also, I want to open a sandwich shop. I don't think Dan believes I am serious, but I am. Just need investors and business plan. And alternate means of supporting myself until we make a profit, because I won't be able to stay at my current job once we open. Oh, darn.

You're the 456!
You are artistic, a bit whimsical, and less iconic
than the train on the other side of the Park.
Others may see you as an odd conglomeration of
new and old-fashioned ideas, but you realize
that's part of your charm.

Which New York City subway line are you?
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the night before - the morning after

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