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magazines and shortcake

07.14.03 - 8:55 p.m.

Words from a random song that are in my head for no good reason:
The scalpel dives into the skin, good doctors never leave a scar
No proof again
I'll take the pill, you take the (something I can't remember)
it's all the same to the world dreamer
all the same in the end

7:42 pm
I cannot even tell you how excited I am about the hunk of reading material I just purchased for myself. It's so rare that I do a literary splurge.

I have in my possession this week's issue of New York, Magnet, Spin (yes, I'm trying it again - Sia Michel is the new editor, who knows), Heat, Closer, Hello!, Douglas Coupland's new one Hey Nostradamus! and a copy of Cooking with Mr. Latte for Carol's birthday. I was very close to buying Mario Batali's Simple Italian Food, but I resisted. I have a few recipes from my copy of Cooking with Mr. Latte and so many from my issues of Food and Wine that I think I'll manage.

8:42 pm
One goat cheese, roasted pepper and cucumber sandwich on ciabatta with balsamic walnut vinaigrette, two glasses of wine, 8 olives and 13 pieces of cheese later. Halfway through New York. Thinking about having a strawberry shortcake after the current glass of vino is gone.

That song above is Live. Secret Samadhi. The actual song ("Ghost") hasn't come up yet, but it's in the stereo with the How to Deal soundtrack, Jason Mraz, Pat McGee for old times' sake, and Travis. How listy I am tonight.

Dan bought me the season one Buffy DVDs. I love him.

The wine is gone. Shortcake? Shortcake it is.

the night before - the morning after

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