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happy not to be a bridesmaid

07.14.03 - 5:23 p.m.

I had this whole long rant written on Friday about how I was happy not to have many close female friends, because then I wouldn't have to be bridesmaids in their weddings and deal with all the costs and hullaballoo that entailed, and how stupid it was, blah blah blah. But then work got in the way and we actually were able to leave at 6 and get on the road to Boston, so I never posted it.

I'm glad I didn't. Doing wedding stuff with L this weekend was so fun that I would have wanted to eat every word. Granted, I'm still happy not to be a bridesmaid because I really can't afford it -- I spent enough on the both of us this weekend and I'm sure it didn't even come close to what Steff and the others are shelling out -- but I'm really, genuinely proud to be part of the whole wedding deal.

Designing the program also made me remember what it feels like to do something I enjoy. Being proud of your work. What an unfamiliar feeling. It's pretty much the only thing I've done all day, which is fine, since I'm so tired otherwise that my brain is on autopilot. Fucking box fan. Fucking open windows sending light through my eyelids directly into my retinas at 5:48 am. The fact that I ate chocolate turtle cake an hour ago isn't helping matters. Fucking idiot job.

Oh, and fanny packs? Are so back. Diana and I called this one about a month ago, jokingly. Apparently the fashion gods overheard and decided to play a cruel trick on us by putting them on Jennifer Aniston's shapely posterior. Now they're the featured item on Daily Candy? What hath we wrought?

the night before - the morning after

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