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broke can be fixed

07.28.03 - 9:12 a.m.

OK. I am going to write something or die trying. Twice I've tried to commit myself to an entry -- one on Friday before I left for the city, about weekends with Dad, and one last night, as we rewatched the Alias pilot, about how Will used to be a complete idiot and Jenny Garner's face used to have curves instead of angles.

We escaped most of the pointless high-speed walking this weekend, as Dad felt it was his duty to wait for two hours on Saturday at the TKTS booth. Thanks, Dad. This time I really mean it. Instead, the rest of the group hung out in ABC for two hours while Dan and I drank at Old Town. We were in ABC long enough to see that Paulie was still working the rug floor ("oh, pretty girls, you are sisters? You are twins, yes?") and to see a stubby-legged spaniel riding in a baby stroller because his short legs were too tired. I talked Carol out of buying a fugly $350 quilt but couldn't persuade her to buy $25 pom-pom shams. The nerve of some people.

Sunday, we continued our quest to explore all areas of Central Park, walking (nay, strolling) through the literary walk to Bethesda fountain, past the Alice in Wonderland and cute bear statues until we popped out right next to the Temple of Dendur wing at the Met. Dan bought me beers, nachos and wings because he likes to see me fat or something, because even though I probably expended a bunch of those calories on the walk home, the Frozfruit coconut bar negated all my good deeds.

I also realized this morning that I don't have enough credit left on my safe low-balance credit card to pay for both the hotel and my car inspection this weekend. Not good. Clearly, this week there will be no eating until Thursday, because from then till Sunday, most of my meals will be provided by others. One way to cut costs. Also, Dorney Park may be out of the question on Sunday and we might have to crash the brunch instead.

Motherf'in wedding, R.E.M. tickets, more wedding stuff like the damn weekend in Boston, two birthdays... no wonder I'm poor. No, broke. Poor is permanent, but broke can be fixed. Right?

the night before - the morning after

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