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me as a powerpuff girl

waiting to leave for the picnic

07.31.03 - 12:21 p.m.

Obviously I am not sleeping well. My dreams aren't really nightmares, they're just disturbing and vaguely ominous. I don't know. Last night we were back in the Jersey City apartment visiting Kerry and her new roommate, and we walked into my old room, and the ceiling felt like it was pressing down on me. Very slanted like we were in a garret or the attic instead of a second-floor room, with exposed beams and a treacherous staircase. And there was snow outside.

Before we ended up in the JC apartment, we were walking through Faneuil Hall in search of a bathroom. The floor was wet. Also creepy.

Oh, and regarding Dan's rant on Jayson Blair? I could be him. I very nearly am him. The shit I make up for this job is phenomenal. Ladies, don't believe anything you read in women's service magazines. Well, believe it with a grain of salt, because no matter what that expert said, chances are we've twisted that quote like Silly Putty until it supports whatever the EIC wants it to support. I'm surprised my diploma hasn't spontaneously combusted in outrage over the sins I've committed since I started here.

Sad to say, but I have a work-flow crisis. Nothing has been approved, so I sit here wanting to get ahead, but don't want to start anything new until I know if my old stuff is moving in the right direction. I can't explain the insane logic of our office in any certain terms, suffice to say I will be in work hell next week when everything is approved at once. Thanks.

I am a sad sack. I have no desire to be nicey-nice to anyone at the wedding this weekend. Leanne knows it too, poor her, because she keeps asking me at which table I'd like to sit. Um. Not with Steph. Or Beth. Not really with Kate and her husband who doesn't really speak English. But who else will be there? Just stick me with the aunts, please. That will be fine.


Quote from Dave:
" 'Duck Hunt' has a goal! You gotta keep that damn dog from laughing at you!"


the night before - the morning after

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