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me as a powerpuff girl

noticeably hairy

08.04.03 - 10:12 p.m.

Not one review of the O.C. pilot that I've read so far mentions that Doug Liman directed it. Interesting. It's not like he doesn't have experience filming a) California and b)slightly out-of-control teenagers, so it was probably a good choice. And putting Peter Gallagher and Adam Brody together was definitely a good choice.

So Leanne's wedding. Was great. Kate's husband was across the table from me, so I didn't have to make awkward conversation due to the fact that I'd be talking rather loudly. I didn't have to say one word to Steph or Beth. All the aunts do in fact love me, but I'd suspected that since the shower. Kate's parents were awfully cute getting down to "Love Train." There were excellent margaritas and copious amounts of goat cheese. Which I nearly flung across the table at Steffanie. All hail the mighty goat chees.

The Magnum from Cedar Point is now at Dorney Park. Apart from the oddity of watching one of my best friends get married, this was the highlight of the weekend. As Bassett put it, "Leanne imported the Magnum for her wedding? Sweet."

I did not do any karaoke. I did watch JP kick it to "Total Eclipse of the Heart."

And now I have no razors. Or money to buy razors. How long can I go without shaving before things start to get noticeably hairy? Can I make it to Friday? Bassett wants Key lime pie. I have no money to buy condensed milk. Damn car. Damn renters' insurance.

the night before - the morning after

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