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food blogging and safety nets

08.13.03 - 2:09 p.m.

Dan is back, Dan is back. And I am happy again. I don't mean to sound like, "O woe is me, my boyfriend is away, I have no-one to hug me at night," but he has wormed his way under my skin in a strange and pleasing way. O, LAUVE! I think the only reason it didn't bother me as much being away from him in Scotland was because Bassett was there. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have had much more time to dwell on the Missing of Him. Plus, Kerry et al. don't want to hear about my simpy boyfriend boo-hooing every day. I've been down that solo road.

Speaking of simpy boo-hooing, Carrie's damn quote about her "safety net" at the end of Sunday's ep of Sex and the City, reduced me to tears. That was when Dan was still in Maine and I was alone in craptastic Cliffside Park still dealing with the Moom-and-Bass-leaving sadness and the impending Monday morning of work. But at last night's viewing, after going out to dinner with Melissa and Dana and visiting Monsieur Athletic Kitty, I felt somewhat better. My safety net still has some gaping holes in it, I know, but I really have to get myself out of this hermitude. Fewer expensive shoes, more time with friends. That is the goal. There is no point in purchasing nice clothing if I have nowhere to wear it.

Food writing. I've been ruminating on this all morning, especially after reading Amanda Hesser's article on the Julie/Julia blog. How to do it? Keep doing recipes at home? Do my own food blog? Half the time, this veers into foodie territory anyway. Perhaps I should accost Ms. Hesser on the street and ask her how she did it? Perhaps I should work up the courage to talk to my mag's food editrix and executive editrix if maybe my skills could be better put to use in our food department. Could be the kiss of death, but at least I'd be making a move to do something that interests me.

Although what could be more interesting than rehashing celebrity quotes and searching for doctors who will give you scientific explanations for crackpot home remedies, I have no idea.

the night before - the morning after

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