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me as a powerpuff girl

digestion dilemma

08.21.03 - 4:19 p.m.

I am listening to "Karma Chameleon" and thinking of that VH1 Classics commercial where one cat wears a sombrero and sings, and another cat pops up playing the harmonica. Probably no one else has seen this commercial. Probably it sounds like I am delusional or have ingested a few too many pills.

Please, let there be no blackouts tonight. Your cooperation is appreciated.

I am going to a press event sponsored by Absolut, then to Carey D's going-away-to-Denver party. All well and good, until you factor in the nausea that keeps rising in my throat. Perhaps the leftover tuna steak was not such a great lunch choice. So my dilemma: Do I yak now and get rid of the nauseated feeling, thus leaving myself wide-open for rampant drunkenness on an empty stomach? Or do I 'hold it,' as it were, hoping that the large quantities of alcohol I'm hoping to consume don't backfire on the little fishy in my tummy?

This may be a case for Drunky But Funky. Stay tuned.

the night before - the morning after

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