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acquisitions of the week

10.31.03 - 11:13 p.m.

So my nightmare two nights ago? Was classic. Definitely no need for interpretation. I dreamt that there was a Mediabistro bulletin board forum, and the title of the forum? Was my name. Classic. I was scrolling through the posts, all "I never wrote that!" and "Someone else is badmouthing the company in my name!" Very realistic, I say. What a relief to wake up from that. 'Twould have been a hell of a way to get fired, though.

Work, though a bitch and a half in its sheer backasswards copy and photo flow, provided me with a few excellent gifts this week. I cannot mention them all because La Bassett will be receiving a few as surprise prezzies in a month or so, but suffice to say that Kerry will be the proud owner of a Brawny paper towel trucker hat this Christmas. That should put her off her Von Dutch obsession for good.

I have four cavities. Apparently I grind my teeth, so after those are filled, I'll need night guards. Soon I will have to buy new contacts. Next Sunday I must give my car new brake pads and while I'm at it, should put on the winter tires as well. Oh, and somewhere along the way this week I decided to buy a pair of Dolce and Gabbana pants for $50. Woo!

But the most important acquisition of the day was a long piece of orange ribbon. It was free from the decor girls and with it I am going to give El Gato a festive bow.

the night before - the morning after

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