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hemmed pants bonanza

11.06.03 - 5:42 p.m.

Do I go to Short Hills tonight to pick up my hemmed pants? I have hemmed pants all over the place. I just picked up the D&G ones from the tailor, my other pair is waiting at Nordstrom, and Dan's jeans will be ready at Banana this weekend. It's a hemmed pants bonanza. Which is what we get for being short.

I want these pants tonight so I can possibly wear them to the Dave Matthews/Emmylou Harris concert tomorrow, and then wash 'em so they can go to Seattle with us. Why do we (or I, at least) always want to bring our best clothes on vacation? Is it separation anxiety? That I want to feel the most comfortable and secure when in a new place, so I bring the things that make me look the best? It's silly, really, because there's way more chance of me being separated from my favorite items forever when I send them into the baggage claim than there ever would be by just wearing them to work and back. Yet I am obsessively retrieving all my new pairs of pants in time to send them off into the stratosphere.

But it's raining, and I am nearly nightblind when it rains, so I am none too pleased at the idea of venturing out to Route 24 tonight. Oh vanity!

Side note on the Dolce and Gabbana pants: they are corduroy. Have I mentioned that? White corduroy. Sigh. That is what you get when you buy online consignment.

the night before - the morning after

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