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me as a powerpuff girl

death icicle

12.10.03 - 2:19 p.m.

Last night I was rudely awoken from the most awesome dream ever. In my dream New York Times, I found a coupon for YSL where if you buy one pair of YSL shoes at $395 or more, you get a pair of Gucci shoes free. Even in a dream state, I am aware of the all-encompassing power of Tom Ford. However, it was sadly cut short by my car alarm. Yes, my car alarm at 2:30 in the morning.

How I knew it was mine I'm not sure, given that car alarms go off on our block rather often -- not due to actual burglary, but to people's general and repeated incapability of hitting the right button. But to make a long story short that mostly involves my overreacting and indecisiveness, the activation was caused by a massive chunk of ice that fell off the house. It didn't dent anything, but nearly gave me a heart attack and forced me back into a dream that involved some sort of haunted house and cats walking on piano keys.

This morning, in keeping with my tradition of spending my last penny at Target, I finally acquired cards and wrapping paper. And have written twelve of the cards so far. Today is a day where I'm quite content with my mediocrity, not only for the Christmas cards but for the fact that I still have a few more months to read of the Julie/Julia project. And if I can't do THAT at work, then the terrorists have won.

the night before - the morning after

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