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me as a powerpuff girl


12.15.03 - 8:55 p.m.

Here's a hint: If you want me to buy something from you, pay attention to me, retail slaves! It works every time. J.Crew, though its clothes edge over to the bland side, always gives me good service. Today the happy man named Orlando (Prince St. store, for all you J.Crew employee stalkers) complimented me on my coat. Which came all the way from their fall/winter 2000 season, lo those many years ago. It's a warm lovely red coat, and I still consider it my "good" coat, but dude! You've got a GOOD memory for your stock!

So for his memory and his compliments, I rewarded him with the purchase of a few cashmere sweaters. Whereas if he'd stared at me haughtily while I'm trying to find out if those C&C t-shirts are really as comfy and long-waisted as they say (Scoop NYC, I'm looking at you) I would not have dropped cash in that store. Accomodate me! I spend like the wind when I'm in the mood.

I was at J.Crew in the city at two in the afternoon because I played hooky from work today. Wasn't a sickout of West Wing cast proportions, but my own little protest made me feel better nonetheless. And I got all shopping done, save the martini glasses from Crate and Barrel -- after carrying a braiser and four souffle cups around Soho for a few hours, I wasn't about to add another fragile bag to the mix.

Now, at 9, I am thoroughly worn out from being a lady who lunches (at Subway with Kerry) and from wrapping presents and washing unmentionables. But it's a more content tired, not being worn down by petty demands and research leads I'll never have to follow. Oh, and the braiser looks so kickass. Methinks it will make a fine risotto vessel, and soon.

the night before - the morning after

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