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me as a powerpuff girl

abso-robot-lutey! part 2

01.02.04 - 10:27 p.m.

Written at some point on New Year's Eve as I sat my hammered ass on the living room couch:

I couldn't help but it New Year's Eve?? Am I at home????? AND DRUNK? AT 11:!^ ---ermmm, 16 p.m.????

Wheeee! We are at home! And I've had sour patch martinis, champagne, now gimlets, and soon to have MORE champagne....

Not really missing the shore or the city right now.

YAYYYYYY! New Year's Robot Eve 2004 ! Here's what we're going to do in 2004: get drunk in Boston! Get drunk in D.C.! Get drunk in IKEA!, buy a new DVD holder in IKEA!

Dan is trying to make me write things that make sense while trying not to fix my deletions/mistakes. Whateva! I do what I want! I am drunk at home with probably the strongest gimlet I've ever made! And my hands are looking strangely manly like SJP's!

I do remember that we were watching a Sex and the City marathon. I also remember forcing myself to drink the last of my incredibly strong gimlet. I do not remember if we toasted at midnight. I certainly remember yakking before bed, then passing out to more SATC.

The next day, bless their little hearts, VH1 ran EVERY EPISODE of I Love the 80s and I Love the 80s Strikes Back. So after I was finished dry heaving, I could curl up under Big Orange Blanket and rest my aching bones for 14 hours. I have now seen Donal Logue's opinions on just about everything from that decade. Suffice to say, the kielbasa and sauerkraut did not get made. And is still sitting uncooked in the fridge.

And now I sit, listening to Simon and Garfunkel and attempting to familiarize myself with my brand-spankin' new OS X and Safari, the direct result of plunking down a lotta cash at the Apple store this afternoon in order to bring ye olde Powerbook up to date. "It's still a viable computer, right?" I asked Scott, my favorite nerd at the Genius Bar. "Yeah," he replied, but went down a few points in my book when he added, " but you're probably the last person in America using it."

Untrue! "No! Carrie Bradshaw still has one!" I squeaked. Sadly, I don't think Scott caught the SATC marathon Wednesday night.

the night before - the morning after

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