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thoughts on the O.C.

01.08.04 - 8:05 a.m.

Things I hated about last night's O.C.:

That we were denied the pleasure of watching Seth actually TELL Summer he and Anna were dating. After that kind of buildup, and knowing as much of Seth as we do, just watching him attempt to form the words would have been perfect. My guess is he started to stutter and hem and haw, so Anna had to step in and say it for him, but still -- a missed opportunity.

The end shot of creepy Oliver stalking from the patio. Hello, serial killer? The way they're setting this up, we'll soon have a Very Special Episode where mentally unhinged Olly kidnaps Marissa and makes her wear the best in Dior latex.

Things I loved about last night's O.C.:

That Hailey and Jimmy DIDN'T end up making out -- which they would most certainly have done in a typical soap. I like that common sense and continuity figure into most of the adults' lives, if not as much with the kids.

Sandy's dorky dancing and near knee-bends when listening to Rooney. "You almost found the beat!" I've said it before and I'll say it again: not only are the scenes between Adam Brody and Peter Gallagher sweet, they're comedy genius.

And although it was in the previews, so it shouldn't count, Luke's New Year's resolution of "punch people less." Hee!

the night before - the morning after

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