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me as a powerpuff girl


01.17.04 - 7:54 p.m.

If you were a guest in someone's home, why would you not clean up after yourself? Say, if you dribbled oily garlic sauce all over someone's coffee table specifically after the homeowners gave you plates and napkins and asked if you would please be careful eating pizza etc. on the couches, would you leave it there to seep into the coffee table, or would you quietly get a goddamn napkin and wipe it up yourself? Would you let the shower look like a dandruff-ridden Yeti rinsed off and then did a big doggy shake in it for good measure�without closing the shower curtain? Would you leave your massive bath towel hanging off the comforter or on the hardwood floor�after a towel rack was placed in the guest room for your use? Would you wear your shoes across the kitchen and the rug after walking around in the snow and salt? And then, after every single weekend, would you leave without a single thank you?

All I'm saying is it's no wonder certain people can't keep girlfriends.

the night before - the morning after

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