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letter to JJ

01.20.04 - 12:17 p.m.

Dear JJ,

I agree with Lauren: no more stupid in medias res openings! We know Sydney's not going to die -- it's her damn show! So quit pretending to amp up the suspension there and save it for things that really will be a surprise.

And what's with the sudden abandonment of the Lost Years plot? So Kendall told Sydney all she needed to know and she's fine with it now? Burn up some Rambaldi fetuses, all is good, back to work as usual. I don't buy it. And I'm not happy with turning away from that plot in favor of the "see how EVIL Lauren is?" storyline. We all knew she was a bad news bear from the beginning, so little glimpses would be enough. Although thank you for giving me Kendall for one more episode. I do miss him.

Your devoted fan, despite my nit-picking,

the night before - the morning after

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