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me as a powerpuff girl

this year's love

03.08.04 - 7:09 p.m.

I've got a new love in my life, and Dan's just going to have to learn to share. Actually, that shouldn't be so hard, since I think he'll soon fall in love with my new amour too. The object of my affection? 40 gigs of sweet, sweet music-storin' space I like to call Le Pod. (Or Pierre Le Pod, as Amanda has already dubbed him.)

We were introduced on Saturday; it was a quick courtship, and he was a cheaper date than I expected, thanks to the $30 discount Apple offered me for being a grad student. (Hey, the ID doesn't expire till June!) Time flew from afternoon into evening as I quickly transferred 746 songs into his system -- it was almost as if he could read my mind.

The next day we went public with our love, strolling the Upper East Side, venturing out to Queens, murmuring intelligent thoughts on the Chuck Close/Kiki Smith exhibits and ignoring the admiring glances of everyone else on the subway. Occasionally we'd see another pair of lovers, white cords entwined seductively around ears and chest, and shoot a knowing glance their way.

Oh, if only I had a Mini or a Bug to drive around, how truly stylish I would be! What heights of modern design could I scale with that combination! I mustn't dwell, however, as Le Pod makes such a nice traveling companion with his little iTrip beret perched jauntily atop his square self. He nearly made this morning's ride to work -- dare I say it? yes, I shall -- a joy.

Another coveted item will be entering the house in a few days: my bee flip-flops are finally on their way thanks to a return from Short Hills. Le Pod shouldn't worry about losing his special status, though -- he has my heart and ears, and the bee flops have my feet.

the night before - the morning after

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