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me as a powerpuff girl

t-minus one day

04.15.04 - 9:58 p.m.

Oh, monkeyballs. I have one more day of lolling around at work before leaving....FOREVER. I've realized why two weeks is the standard time for giving notice. It's because the third week draaaags ooooon foreeeeever and all you want to do is just get the HELL OUT OF THERE. I should be thankful all my work is done and I can just sit around and look for shoes all day, but really, it's time to go.

It's also better, I've decided, to lay down some ground rules for my behavior at my new job. Specifically, I need to talk less about myself and be more of the quiet worker than the girl who is Friendly To Everyone. Because then everyone tells you their problems and you are expected to solve everyone's problems. Is it better to be the girl who comes in, does her job and gets out of there, separating her work and the rest of her life? I'm very bad at doing that. But I think I need to try it.

Also, I think I should start using pseudonyms for anything related to the new job ASAP. Safety first.

Is it possible that Rob is dumb enough to think he might want to make a Rob, Amber and Shii Ann Survivor final three? I don't think he is, and I do think it was necessary to take that certain person out this week, as he/she was starting to cause a little trouble within the ranks, AND I do think it would be interesting to see Rob take this thing all the way. But lordy hannah, stupid Shii Ann's face bugs me more and more each week. She knows she's dead weight. She's just lucky that others are more immediately threatening.

the night before - the morning after

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