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the perils of driving mocs

04.11.04 - 8:36 p.m.

The Easter adventure is over, the goose is not getting fat (or, rather, the wee 5-pound turkey breast isn't because I liberated it from our fridge, roasted it and ate it) and I only have a week of "work" left. In quotations, because I've more or less done every assignment necessary and I'm patently refusing to do anything else. What are they going to do, fire me?

So if anyone has any fun assignments that can be done surreptitiously at work this week, I'm up for it. Let me know.

Shopping continues to be a miscommunicated dialogue between Dan and me. I have no problem shelling out upwards of $100 for shoes, as evidenced by the scads of past entries containing shoe talk. Actually, I have no problem spending a little more on anything I think will be a major wardrobe staple (jeans, cashmere, black pants or a great black kilt). Dan, however, does not. So when I found a pair of $118 driving mocs that seemed like good candidates for placement on his feet (and he'd mentioned he wanted a pair a while ago; this wasn't an out-of-left-field idea), I was met with some huffiness.

Sigh. What else do you expect from me? Like a truffle-hunting pig, I sniff out sartorial excellence. And guys' clothes are just so... limiting. There's a really cute Isaac Mizrahi pair at Target, but he only designs for women. Cole Haan has a pair on sale, but they're not suede and in black leather, they end up looking like old-man slippers. Most of the pairs with bows on them resemble slippers too, so it's important to have a flat front -- then pants can break cleanly over them. I'm working with the best I've got here! Perhaps a trip to Woodbury Commons is in order?

Clothing gets me all worked up.

the night before - the morning after

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