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music quiz

04.22.04 - 11:23 p.m.

I don't know where Rachel found this, but it looks like FAUN!

1.What is your favorite type of music? the so-called "alternative" music of the mid-90s (R.E.M., Toad the Wet Sprocket, old Live and Weezer) and, dorkily enough, oldies

2.What is your favorite song at this very moment it's probably still "Fast Food Song"

3.What is the best single out right now? Since the arrival of Le Pod, I haven't really been paying much attention to what's out there, so I'll just go with "Stacy's Mom." Or "Mexican Wine," since that's their new one.

4.If you could have one CD for the rest of your life, what would it be? That's not fair! Maybe the Beatles' Rubber Soul? I'm not sure that would ever get old.

5.Okay smartass, since you probably answered number 4 with 'a mixed cd', what would be on it? I wouldn't have answered that way because that's cheating.

6.How many band shirts do you have? I used to have a whole closet-ful, but that was in high school. Now that I have joined the working world, I have restricted myself to my very first R.E.M. shirt, a Howie Day shirt I made myself and a Faux Pas shirt (ok, it's the black Scary Go Round one, but whatever). My moom still wears my EMF shirt around the house.

7.Do you have any CD's you played so much you had to go out and buy it again? I thought I'd have to buy Semisonic's All About Chemistry again after it started skipping during "Bed," but somehow I fixed it

8.What were they? um, these questions are a little redundant. See above.

9.What band adorns your walls? None anymore. Sigh. I had a small picture of Howie at my desk before he became an assailant.

10.What is the best movie soundtrack ah, Singles.

11.What new album were you/are you looking forward to the most? I still haven't downloaded the Ben Folds EPs, but I will do it soon. Or I will just wait until they come out all together.

12.What do you think of the whole Metallica/Napster thing? I really stopped listening to Metallica a while before that whole fracas, and I was too technologically slow to be able to enjoy Napster more than a month before it was shut down, so... meh. Most of my music is old anyway.

13.What artist causes you to feel the need to pop your ear drums, gouge out your eyes and projectile puke? Matchbox Twenty, Five for Fighting, Nickelback, Three Doors Down, Linkin Park... I'll stop now.

14.What do you think of the whole boy band thing? My senior year of college, we taped the "Bye Bye Bye" video off TRL and would watch it a minimum of three times in a row to psych ourselves up before going out to the bars. I am still not ashamed of this fact.

15.What band has the best products/endorsements/whatever? Both Phantom Planet and Rooney did well by The O.C., I think.

16.What was the last CD you bought? Guns N' Roses' Greatest Hits! Woooooo!

17.What was the first CD you bought? R.E.M.'s Out of Time

18.What do you think of rap? Mostly I prefer something with a melody.

19.What do you think of 80's hair bands? I think of my childhood. And how we used to call the radio station to request "Unskinny Bop."

20.What do you think of metal? I think that I will always have a soft spot in my heart for old Metallica. And I still know all the words to "One."

21.What radio station do you listen to? I don't anymore since I can take the bus into work.

22.What is the worst song you have ever heard? EVER??? "Self-Esteem" by The Offspring.

23.Who do you think is the most overrated band? This is going to hurt, but Coldplay's got NOTHING on Travis.

34.Who is the most underrated? Everyone knows about Buffalo Tom because of "Late at Night" and My So-Called Life, but that's just the tip of their iceberg.

25.What do you think is so unneeded in some bands? the need to do a remix album

26.What is the coolest feature of any new band? I don't understand this question. New songs for Le Pod?

27.Why do you think there are so many boy bands? Because they give teenage girls a safe outlet for their burgeoning hormonal needs, durr.

28.What kind of music do your parents like? the Beatles, Van Morrison, anything I put on a mix CD for my moom, Spanish stuff I'm unfamiliar with

29.Do you have a theme song? "Happy Organ" by Dave "Baby" Cortez

30.Do you play an instrument? Once upon a time I played bass. There's a guitar that's been sitting in the back room since last summer, but have I picked it up to play one chord? No, I haven't.

31.What would be the name of your debut record? Casey and the Trilobites

the night before - the morning after

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