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me as a powerpuff girl

buy me dentures now

04.27.04 - 9:56 p.m.

The cold, fresh smell after an overnight rain coupled with a blindingly bright sun through crisp morning air (and spiffy Italian heels on your feet) really makes you believe all will be right with the world on this day.

It even can make you feel that way after finding two more cavities in your molars. Jesus! What else can I do to be a dental incompetent? Apparently I also brush too hard, causing gum recession at one of my canines. I hate you, parents, for giving me such shitty chompers.

But I am still happy.

I am trying not to spend any more money before Friday, as there is rent to be paid and the FUCKING CAVITY to take care of as well as buttloads of food to buy and prepare for the Ye Olde Kentucky Derby party Saturday. The past weekend was a little hairy -- we ended up being the happy suburbanite couple and hitting Home Depot for a bedroom ceiling fan (not that we'll be able to install it without a little family help) and J.Crew for a pair of suede loafers and a nice little jacket for Dan. And a pair of $10 chinos for me. Hey, one has to stave off the no-jeans drought somehow.

Although! Apparently they LIED to me! Well, not lied, but there's an unwritten amendment to the no-jeans rule that whenever the two bosses are both out of the office, the jeans come out of the woodwork. And such a thing happened on Friday, and no one remembered to tell me. Bitches all!

Anyway. There is a Kentucky Derby party which I will be sort-of-hosting and attending Saturday. There is much food to be made and bourbon to be purchased. I think I should also get a hat, but this costs money. Hat? or asparagus? So many decisions to make.

I do, however, know what I will be wearing. And that I will have nice new fillings in my molars to accent my lovely spring ensemble. Stupid genetics.

the night before - the morning after

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