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me as a powerpuff girl

pretty persuasion

05.10.04 - 10:26 p.m.

It probably means I watch too much Weather Channel when I'm staring out the window of the bus, looking at the overgrowth along River Road, and think to myself, "Gee, the DR Field and Brush mower could take care of that in a second!" Yoy.

Warning: Dan more than made up for the VCR snafu last Tuesday by procuring the last three Gilmore Girls episodes of the season. So, very vague slight-ish spoilers ahead. I just have to get some stuff off my chest.

Specifically: Oh, Rory. I realize you live the life of a half-genius nun, but why do you have to be so smart and yet SO IDIOTIC at the same time? Bad writing, that's why. But nevertheless. You're so spot on when you're warning your mom of the ramifications of finally macking on a particular someone, you're fully aware of the reasons why Jess is an undependable ball of suck, but then you go and do THAT, that you just know you shouldn't be doing, and no amount of rationalizing can make it be otherwise. And you ruined your mother's perfect moment! How could you? And now I have to wait until the fall to see the fallout! Cruelty.

I am listening to one of the Music Choice channels on our digital cable. Channel 617, if you must know. And "Pretty Persuasion" just came on. The exact same R.E.M. song that has been playing on my awesome massive random shuffle through 1875 songs on my iPod the last two out of three times I turned it on. Mind you, I only get through about 20-30 songs before I have to do something else to Le Pod and start it all over again. So I keep hearing "Pretty Persuasion." What does this mean?

the night before - the morning after

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