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me as a powerpuff girl

the bitchiest bitchfaces

05.25.04 - 10:25 p.m.

Oh jesus. The newscasters are now telling us that Al Qaeda might be "somewhere" in America, "possibly" in the city, and they might be planning an attack "somewhere, at some point." Thanks, guys, for that not-at-all vague piece of information!

Anyway. I saw the best defaced subway poster ever this morning. Those Six Flags commercials with the pseudo-Uncle Junior that I hate so very much have migrated to the static posters. And though I still loathe that faux old man's face, it's nothing short of awesome when you see him with a beanie Sharpied on and the words "Nucking Futz!" speech-ballooning out of his mouth. Made my morning, I tell ya.

Then I went to a sample sale, where I waited 10 minutes to enter, took 10 minutes to find two pairs of jeans (retail $135 each) and waited 45 more minutes in line to pay $85 total for them. Despite watching a parade of the bitchiest bitchfaces that could be mustered at 9am and listening to girls who seemed to be the prototypes for Ally and Jamie Rich Girl during my entire wait in line, I think the worthiness of the equation still holds up. That's still a $185 savings, my friends.

Hey! I never knew Eugene Levy was in Splash! Probably haven't watched it since I was fifteen, though.

I am half-packed for the Cape. I have washed my unmentionables, dealt with my car (including a rogue window that would not go up all weekend, then magically decided to cooperate on Monday), attended Shower #1, made my arts and crafts for Shower #2, and hung out with all co-workers but one. Now is the time for the loading of songs onto Pierre Le Pod and tomorrow is the time for making cupcakes. Who knew it would all come together?

the night before - the morning after

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