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road trip roundup 2004

06.07.04 - 8:52 p.m.

What I Did on my Summer Road Trip, by Casey

At the Cape, I was welcomed back into the maid's room with the broken blind, two fitted sheets on the bed and the scary bride and groom bunny dolls. But it's my room now, and I will keep returning to it like the Swallow of the Cape-istrano. The weather decided not to force me into a holding pattern of politeness for days on end, but let us out into the happy sunshine of Nantucket (where Dan took a picture of me underneath the Hussy Street sign) and mini-golf. And out to buy seven quarts of ice cream, plus a cone each for the three of us who went to pick it up. Ice cream is a constant on Dan and Casey vacations.

In Maine, I hiked up a mountain which shall be forever known to me as Mount Cunt, at one point collapsing on a rock and told Dan I was going to kick his ass. He must have known it was an empty threat, since I couldn't even stand at that point, much less raise a leg in his direction, but he humored me patiently until we reached the top. We took photos as proof of my ascent. I ate a cone which I deemed to be of higher quality than the ice cream on the Cape, and a lobster roll, and walnut pesto. Dan also ate the walnut pesto. Dan is allergic to nuts.

Ooops. Dan's family thought he was going to die, but I knew better. I knew that he just hates to throw up (and really, who likes it?) and he was just sitting there doing the contemplation of "do I hold it in and hope it passes?" Poor guy.

In Boston, I ate cupcakes with chocolate penii on them instead of ice cream. I also ate Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast two days in a row, because that is what you do when you are in Boston, and attempted (with Jim) to make a major comeback during Trivial Pursuit. We failed, because we are very very bad at the green questions, but it wasn't for lack of trying. I also took a picture of the "Pets" sign in Wal-Mart, because the cat on the poster looked so affronted/comatose. O Wal-Mart cat! Your presence made the trip worthwhile!

The entire drive from New Jersey to the Cape to Boston to Lowell to Maine back to Boston and then back to New Jersey again, we listened to Pierre-Luc Le Pod. It is determined that he definitely has a brain, or ears, or a mood indicator of some sort, because out of 2300 songs, he made some interesting choices. Sometimes Pierre was in a Party! mood. Sometimes he was not a Beatles fan at all. Sometimes he would play four songs off my single uploaded Ramones album nearly in a row. AND he has a fetish for "Dancin' in the Street" by the Mamas and the Papas.

Now I'm drinking bourbon and finishing the rest of the Gouda. Next I will play Sims. Who needs to clean up the house after vacationing for ten days? Not me!

the night before - the morning after

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