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the toe curse

06.16.04 - 10:37 p.m.

I've given Dan the toe curse! The one that causes me (or now, him) to run into the corners of walls and wantonly break pinky toes left and right. I came home from yet another jam-packed day of work (seriously, I'm glad they like me and they think I'm competent, but geez! Can someone train the latest recruits so I don't have to? I've only been there two months longer than they have!) to find a hobbled Dan icing his toe on the couch.

Now he's all taped up and filled with Advil and beer (Advil not washed down with beer -- I'm not trying to kill him) and happily resigned to wearing sneakers for the next week or so. It'll be a bitch when he has to hoof it over to the John Mayer show tomorrow, but not much to be done about that other than suck it up and get a cab.

Oh, the John Mayer show. I said I'd never go to another one after the near-disaster at PNC last summer wherein I was kicked in the back and nearly asphyxiated by crowds and smoke -- not to mention deafened by the shrieks of 14-year-old girls. But here I am, name on the guest list, ready to throw myself into the lions' den that is a show in Bryant Park. And it's going to be all muggy and sticky and humid too. Can't wait! I suppose the Michael Kors sandals would also be a bad idea.

Also a bad idea: those shoulder-padded short-sleeved scoopnecked button-front knee-length polyester dresses that women are STILL wearing with hose and sneakers. I see them all the time in the Port Authority. Who is selling these 80s relics? Are these women career secretaries just stocking them up in their closets? Do they have a secret network of 1986 Working Girl

the night before - the morning after

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