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yet another music quiz

06.22.04 - 10:14 p.m.

Thanks to the lovely Ms. Morganzola for the music quiz!

1. Your favorite song with the name of a city in the title or text.
"New York City" by They Might Be Giants. Which also reminds me of Christmas because the album came out right before winter break freshman year, so when I hear it I think of going to the show at Metropol with Drew and driving through the tunnels with Ryan.

2. A song you've listened to repeatedly when you were depressed at some point in your life.
"Loneliness is Worse" by Veruca Salt.

3. Ever bought an entire album just for one song and winded up disliking everything but that song? Gimme that song.
There is a copy of Blink 182's "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket" sitting in my CD book for this very same reason. Why did I not just buy the "Rock Show" single?

4. A song whose lyrics you thought you knew in the past, but about which you later learned you were incorrect.
I am one of those people who seriously thought John Fogerty was singing "There's a bathroom on the right." I may have been in my teens before I figured out the right lyrics. Also, I thought Madonna was singing "And I feel like a disco ball" instead of "And I feel like I just got home" in "Ray of Light." What? She's singing about being a little ray of light! It could totally be glinting off a disco ball!

5. Your least favorite song on one of your favorite albums of all time.
LOVE Fountains of Wayne's "Welcome Interstate Managers." Still haven't got around to liking "Hung Up On You."

6. A song you like by someone you find physically unattractive or otherwise repellent.
"Rush" by Big Audio Dynamite II. Oh, Mick Jones! Those teeth!

7. Your favorite song that has expletives in it that's not by Liz Phair.
I used to really, really identify with "Leash" by Pearl Jam. Get out of my fucking face!

8. A song that sounds as if it's by someone British but isn't.
Sark plays British but isn't! Honestly, I'm not sure I have an answer for this one. I'm usually pretty good at knowing the background on my music. Dan thought that Meteosat was British, though!

9. A song you like (possibly from your past) that took you forever to finally locate a copy of.
Arrrgh! The saga of "Build Me Up Buttercup!" I'd looked forever on various oldies compilations to find that song -- this was in the days before downloading and Napster -- when finally Brian clued me in to the fact that it was on the Billboard 1969 album. No sooner did I finally find that album than There's Something About Mary came out. And then it became this huge kitschy thing instead of this obscure tune my parents used to sing. Unfair.

10. A song that reminds you of spring but doesn't mention spring at all.
Every time I hear "Semi-Charmed Life" by Third Eye Blind, I'm back in Court's car, driving around Johnstown on a sunny day.

11. A song that sounds to you like being happy feels.
"St. Robinson in His Cadillac Dream" by Counting Crows.

12. Your favorite song from a non-soundtrack compilation album.
I believe it was the one and only Bassett who put Pulp's "Disco 2000" on a mix tape for me. There are many wonderful songs she's turned me onto over the years, but that's one of the best.

13. A song from your past that would be considered politically incorrect now (and possibly was then).
How about when I was in fourth grade, listening to the Phantom of the Opera and Cats soundtracks instead of Def Leppard and Bon Jovi? That was pretty politically incorrect (not to mention dorktastic to the max) for my age.

14. A song sung by an overweight person.
Um - like John Popper? I used to like "Runaround," until we used it for Rush my junior year. It still haunts me with its stupid sorority lyrics every time I hear it.

15. A song you actually like by an artist you otherwise hate.
I DO like "Human Behaviour" by Bjork. But that's the only one.

16. A song by a band (whose members actually play instruments) that features three or more female members.
"Drivin' on 9" by the Breeders.

17. One of the earliest songs that you can remember listening to.
My dad had the album "The Point," the one about coneheads from Harry Nilsson, and I remember sitting on his lap in our wood-paneled 70s rec room (probably on the velour chaise that accompanies our awesome brown velour couch) and going through the little comic book that accompanied the album.

18. A song you've been mocked by friends for liking.
Dan mocks a lot of my pop music loves, but he really got mad at me one day when I got "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys stuck in his head.

19. A really good cover version you think no one else has heard.
The thing that made me sit up and pay attention to Howie Day in the first place was when we were sitting in the Crowbar, waiting for Pat McGee to come on, and my ears pricked up to the sound of a GREAT cover version of Jeff Buckley's "Lover, You Should Have Come Over."

20. A song that has helped cheer you up (or empowered you somehow) after a breakup or otherwise difficult situation.
OK. I had to go and break out "The Lonely Tape" for this one, but the definitive (and again, incredibly dorktastic) answer would be "Another Suitcase in Another Hall" -- the Madonna version. Yep.

21. What was the last song you downloaded?
"Galaxie," by Blind Melon.

the night before - the morning after

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