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me as a powerpuff girl

not in college

09.22.04 - 10:53 p.m.

I was thinking about Lenny Kravitz while I was washing dishes this afternoon (because really, who doesn't?), trying to remember the latest report on who he was dating now, and came to a startling conclusion: being a celebrity is just like being in college forever.

Socially, it's true. The same random, brief hookups, high drama without a high level of emotional commitment, the continual presence of parties, just PROVIDED for you every weekend so that you can go out and mingle without any sense of propriety, responsibility or whatever Real World Fears prevent us from doing the same thing now.

That's as far as I got with that bad analogy before the real world kicked in on Sunday and I had to start thinking about the press event I had to organize for Tuesday, the florists I didn't call for the press event, the longer-term goals of selling the car, calling the movers, and the immediate concerns of balancing the checkbook and washing the unmentionables.

I am either a drunken lunatic or a frazzled yuppie. No in-between.

the night before - the morning after

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