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09.26.04 - 7:17 p.m.

Spiders! Spiders are out in force apparently, "building spider condos," as Dan's Mom said yesterday. (Side note: I can't call her Mrs. Dan anymore, because that's going to be me in about a year. Eeeks! So in lieu of a better nickname, Dan's Mom it is, because that's who she is.) There were a disproportionate number of cobwebs in the stairway to the basement, and a big honking skittery spider who whooshed down the wall as I transferred laundry from the washer to the dryer. I tried to ignore it, as I'm not too afraid of eight-leggers (except for daddy longlegs with their creeeeepy round button bodies, ewww, gah), but when Dan's Mom ran into the house shrieking because one attacked her on her way to the car, I knew we had a spider epidemic.

However, I thought it was isolated to the LS house, since it is a little historic and dusty, but when I started reading through my journals a few minutes ago and found THREE separate entries (from Amblus, Keckler and Lizabee) detailing their recent battles with the arachnids. And they don't even live in the tri-state area. This is a serious problem. I'm getting rather itchy just thinking about it.

Dan also just informed me that he noticed a spider hanging out on the driver's side mirror of the Subaru this weekend, which only confirms my suspicions. Spiders are taking over, people. It's not a sci-fi nightmare. Save yourselves!

Oh, and is it a little auspicious or freaky that Andrew mentioned two Diaryland weddings happening this weekend, which just happens to be the weekend of our wedding a year from now? Did I explain that correctly? I really can't figure out what this weird coincidence means. Also, I started my diary on September 23, which is also Bruce Springsteen's birthday, which has nothing to do with the weddings except that it happened right around the same time. I'm going to go make Dan a salad now and stop thinking about this.

the night before - the morning after

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