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desk drama

10.13.04 - 8:02 a.m.

So I got a new desk at work. A "better" desk, a seat by the window, within the current room where I work but a privilege as these things go in my office. In some offices your seat is determined by your department, but in others, it becomes some measure of the office hierarchy. Apparently I am moving up in the world.

Since our office is 88 percent female, this set off a lot of drama when the seat changes were announced. It's difficult to work with a lot of girls and not become friends, in a loose sense, with a few of them. In being moved to this new seat, I inadvertently shafted someone who wanted the seat VERY BADLY - not just a seat in our back room, since she ended up with my old desk, but that very seat - and who had been working there about six months longer than me. By seniority rights, she should have that desk, but that's not the way TPTB (who are male, by the way) saw it.

Things are reaching some sort of detente; I'm pretty sure her rage is not directed toward me, but I don't want to upset the balance of life and general joker/slacker attitude we share in our little back room. I'm very happy she gets to sit back there with me. I know it's not my fault, that it's where I was placed, and that I could have fought harder not to move. But I don't feel like rocking the boat over something so trivial and that had been decided long before without my input, so it wouldn't change much to start a mutiny after the fact.

the night before - the morning after

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