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movie questions

05.18.05 - 9:06 p.m.

1. total number of films I own on DVD/video:
This is an unfair question. Dan works at a place where screeners are practically thrown at him daily, so he brings home tons of movies that I've been meaning to see but have yet to actually follow through on. We probably have 200 or so, more if you could each DVD in the TV season packs.

2. the last film I bought:
The last one I paid real money for was Ever After, I think. The last one that came home on the free train was a copy of Sideways, courtesy of my father. Not Dan! A surprise!

3. the last film I watched:
I keep watching Love Actually before I fall asleep, but not from start to finish. All parts of it in a disjointed manner, but because it's composed of so many interwoven stories, it doesn't seem to matter.

4. five films that I watch a lot or that mean a lot to me:
Napoleon Dynamite - been watching a lot, due to the fact that it's TOTALLY SWEET and it's helping me train to be a cagefighter.
The Big Chill - it's such an '80s yupster movie, but it reminds me a lot of growing up. Which was in the '80s, listening to a lot of music similar to the songs played in this movie, so it makes a lot of sense, really.
The Royal Tenenbaums - the presence of Angelica Houston and Bill Murray cancels out that of Gwyneth Paltrow and Ben Stiller. All is right with the world.
The Big Lebowski - I made Dan watch this recently, and he didn't laugh as much as I hoped he would. So sad not to identify with the humor of the Dude. Or El Duderino, if you're not into that whole brevity thing.
And when all is wrong with the world, and I feel like I can't go on, popping in Singles cures everything. It rocks my world.

5. tag 5 people and have them put this in their journal:
Why don't I just put it out there for anyone who wants it?

the night before - the morning after

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