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me as a powerpuff girl

someday i will treat you good

1.6.01 - 7pm

Arrrghhh, grrr, sad again. I really don't think I can do any more work right now. I'm not used to this being back at school thing, and I am DEFINITELY not very good at thinking up ideas for magazine features.

And I really really HATE HATE HATE these damn Illinois drivers. I honestly don't understand how one state can be so bad. How hard can it be to 1) use the left lane for PASSING, not for driving at 30 goddamn miles an hour EVERYWHERE you go, right next to the equally poky car in the right lane and 2) actually USE a turn signal????? I swear I am going to have a heart attack from road rage and frustration soon.

I cannot work anymore. I can't believe I'm sitting around doing work on a Saturday night. Arrrgghhh, grad school. I need to sleep or go out or something to save me from my misery. A date would be super but what's the likelihood of that happening? The only guy who calls me is idiotic Ben. Maybe a bottle of wine sounds good.

the night before - the morning after

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