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me as a powerpuff girl

one perfect sentence

1.7.01 - 3:23pm

I'm not afraid of writing. I'm afraid of ideas. I really cannot think of a single story idea for class and it scares me. If I have the information in front of me (as in autobiography essay, cake) I can write it in a heartbeat but I cannot think of any original story that a magazine would want to publish. Maybe it's because I read a lot of women's/music magazines and they're all the same anyway. I mean, really. How many articles about Kate Hudson have YOU read in the past year? I need a fab, fireworks-type story idea that is actually do-able to submit to a real magazine in the hopes they will publish it and I will get $$$! Ahhh. Any ideas? Please?

My roommate still hasn't returned. I keep having this evil dream that she's never coming back and I can break into her room and use it as a living room and actually get a TABLE instead of cramming all my stuff into this room. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Oh joy, to think. And then there would be no more disgusting hair on the bathroom floor, and since I clean the bathroom anyway, that wouldn't change, and I could have ALL the refrigerator space! Wheee!

I think that chicken I ate for lunch was not so right anymore. Ugh. Um, I hope that's not true.

One perfect English sentence that includes the word LOVE:

I keep the love letters in my bottom drawer.

I love my sister.

My mother loves me.

Love is all you need. (oops, I didn't really write that one)

the night before - the morning after

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