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me as a powerpuff girl

don't jinx it

01.10.01 (neat!) - 5:30pm

Oh you. How can you say I don't update enough? I can't help it if I'm stuck watching the stupid computer room for 6 hours and nothing happens when I'm there. I've seen the same entry on your page for a few days every now and then...yeah, you know who I'm talking to, you death elbow.

Junmei FINALLY came back last night, dammit, so now it's back to disgusting hairs in the shower and the wok is all out and about, and the large dog food-like bag of rice is under the table, no doubt collecting bugs. Thank god I have the super sorority-girl stash of Tupperware. I also liked having the whole place to myself and being able to walk around in my underwear.

My professor mentioned F & M today - apparently they send his high school son lots of brochures. I thought that was rather random, eh?

I met a boy who has a that dog. CD. He seems very nice but he quit college after a year and is a waiter downtown. It seems so horrible to me to think that might matter, but when I think of how hard I am working on my education these days, it seems such a waste that someone just as intelligent should give up like that. I mean, undergrad wasn't THAT taxing, and plus you got all the cool social life and freedom without responsibility to go along with it. Who wouldn't want to prolong their entry into the real world for four years?

the night before - the morning after

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