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me as a powerpuff girl

look how they shine for you

1.22.01 - 4:45pm

Woo! Howie's manager (Shawn) called me back! An actual message on my machine. I can't call him till tomorrow, but still.. woo! Oh god. This means I'm really going to have to speak with Howie. I hope I can see him at the show and not just do a phone interview. "Sex or a conversation, ideally both."

And, AND, I just ate the tasty peach I bought at the grocery store at 11:30pm last night. I ate a peach for peace. Who knew it would actually not taste like fruity cardboard? AND fresh green beans for dinner and Coldplay on the stereo and a night of silly David E. Kelley TV ahead. NOT a Blue Monday.

the night before - the morning after

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