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me as a powerpuff girl

the morning after, lookin' good and you know it

02.04.01 - 11:44am

I'm going to Pauline's for some tasty nosh in 15 minutes, I still absolutely REEK from last night and my face and head are one big oil slick. And the folks at Pauline's will just see me as is cause I'm hungry and happy. Yes! I'm happy! Is it because it's Sunday and I have a whole stack of things to do today? Ehrm, definitely not. Is it my kickass new Powerpuff Girls sheets? Well, maybe. Is it my new Push Stars album? So-so.

It is because I get to spend my whole afternoon transcribing my Howie Day interview - oh joy! His lovely deep Marlboro smokin' voice on tape. Wherein he talks about the heartbreak of throwing your Transformers out the car window, his lifelong dreams of rock stardom, tight pants, Elvis and whether or not he should name his new song "Bunnies." This is all gonna look really good on paper. I don't care! He rocks my world.

Then I get to revise that wonderful online diaries article that I know you kiddies are so excited about. I thought it was good enough the first time around, but that could just be sheer laziness on my part. I'll go insert some commas or something....

I really really stink. I love the end of a weekend.

the night before - the morning after

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