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me as a powerpuff girl

burned out

1.31.01 - 9:42pm

Ehhhrrm, I have no idea what's been going on lately. It seems I live my life in the magazine room, except for long sleeps in Engelhell. Did you know my roommate cooked for over 2 hours the other night? How much can she possibly be eating?

I�m eating Jolly Jellies at the moment. They have the texture of a firm, gritty jellyfish and a generically fruity taste. The pink grapefruit is pretty true to form, but one of the citrus wedge shapes is an unnatural shade of turquoise. Forgive me if I missed this one, but I haven�t seen any cerulean fruit in my produce department lately. These things are making me sick - who at Jolly Rancher is responsible for this candy tragedy? They should study the perfect specimens of Sour Patch Kids and gummy bears and take a few notes.

I think I eat too many packaged things.

the night before - the morning after

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