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me as a powerpuff girl

insomnia and the hole in the universe

02.14.01 - 2am

An insomniac with a cold is never a good thing. I do not understand how this is possible. After spending six hours under the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the magazine room, I'm shaky and ready to jump out the window. So I drive home (not a good idea to put me behind the wheel of a car today, but probably worse to let me walk home in the crazy lake fog) and presto! I watch Buffy and am wired all night. Now I'm debating if $209.50 is too much to pay for a plane ticket to Newark. Please. Keep me away from all credit cards until at least sunrise. I'm closing that browser window right now.

So. Good news first, I suppose. Mustafa sent me a tape today. This is simply wonderful news in itself but even better is the fact that I sent him a mix CD on Sunday WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING HIS MUSIC WAS CROSSING PATHS WITH MINE. Hooray! I haven't even listened to it yet. Also, I got the long-awaited card that says "Great Minds Think Alike...Were you thinking 'tequila shots' too?" So happy that I remind him of a disgusting liquor. Alas, still no pictures of my sister and I from the night we went to the Sig Ep "rave" (quotes oh so necessary) and we stayed up with many bottles of Merlot and made fun of the jazz book. Bassie, do you remember that? It was so cute to see you with your little keg cup and your Pitt wifebeater tank. Ah.

I have no desire to get into the bad news, suffice to say it involves my father as usual. I cannot understand how I will be 23 in less than a month and still this man manages to control nearly all monetary aspects of my life. So we wanted to take a road trip for spring break. It seemed like a fabulous idea. Now somehow I'm getting roped into using his Hilton package to spend a week in ORLANDO - not Austin, not New Orleans, not even Memphis - which will be free and probably my plane ticket will be free too but this means I'll have to hang out with the g-rents for at least 2 nights. Ah, but it's FREE, I know. And warm. I don't know what to do. This was no one's first choice, probably my last choice except for Vegas since I have no desire to gamble my imaginary money away. I just DON'T UNDERSTAND how he always gets his way.

And now, since I think I might be able to sleep, a quote from the incomparable Andy Warhol.

"People have so many problems with love, always looking for someone to be their Via Veneto, their souffle that can't fall."

Good night, already.

the night before - the morning after

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