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me as a powerpuff girl

the tapeworm has a friend

02.13.01 - 12:54pm

Yes, hi, I'm here. I think I have some sort of a bug (in addition to my tapeworm) since I dragged myself out of bed at 8:15, showered, checked email, then thought better of the whole idea and climbed right back into bed until noon. Now if you know anything at all about me, you're probably saying, 'Casey, you twit, you sleep till 11 almost every day.' But this time it's different. This time I feel more sloth-like than ever.

But anyway, now I am finally awake, though still in my robe, and I'm trying desperately to write my midterm while thinking of my favorite movies instead. See, ever since this new Diaryland profile thing I've been attempting to put my favorite things in some sort of order but it's oh so hard. It's like having children - no, wait, I hate children, why would I ever use that comparison? See, I'm SICK, I tell you! Delirious! - ANYWAY, you love them all for different and special reasons. How could I choose between Swingers and Empire Records? Or Blade Runner and Beautiful Girls? This is incredibly difficult, but I've issued it to myself as some sort of challenge to pick the top five. Well, the top four, we all know what #1 is going to be. Think of it as a coming attraction.

Speaking of, why can't I watch the Bridget Jones' Diary trailer on my computer? V. annoying!

the night before - the morning after

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