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me as a powerpuff girl

i woke up at 2pm today

02.17.01 - 2:49pm

Red suede pants you wore to the party: $44

Cover for all the drinks at the party: $30

El ride to the party: $1.50

Accidentally elbowing the girl you only pretend to like in her face while dancing: PRICELESS

Yay! Getting out of the Gettysburg sweats and going dancing was a good thing. I wore my so wonderful red pants (yes, I am aware I now own 3 pairs of red pants but these are the newest and most rock star), and, check this, I have a date tonight. Yes, a date. With a non-Medill person. Who is also from western PA so we can talk about wonderful things like Steelers and, um Primanti Brothers sammiches. I can feel like a normal person for once and might get tickets to the Coldplay show out of it. One can hope. Oooh, tickets. Must get Pat McGee tix today.

Finding the red suede pants was like being in that Lucky commercial where the girl flips through the rack and imagines what the clothes are saying to her until she finds the PERFECT lavender coat and her eyes light up like heaven. They are soooo kickass. I feel like Britney Spears.

the night before - the morning after

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