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me as a powerpuff girl

thank y'all very very much

02.27.01 - 12:37am

Whee! I just got back from buying the new Dave Matthews CD. I've never gone out at midnight to buy a CD before, so Kayleen and I decided now was the time to do so. It's not like we'd be in bed anyway...

We had to drive the whole way down to Lincoln Park, to the Tower Records on Clark. I was vaguely reminded of Empire Records since there was a windy staircase leading up to the store itself, but once we got inside it was a little too corporate (MusicTown - no revealing clothing or visible tattoos - "we're both screwed.") Actually, the girl at my checkout looked like an incredibly pierced-up Me'shell Ndegeocello, so maybe there's hope after all. Kayleen and I stood in the middle of a long line of anxious fratty boys. One of them snickered when I wondered if they airbrushed Dave's pudginess out of the cover photo. (They definitely left it on the inner photo, though.) I missed his performances on both SNL and Letterman tonight. Am I losing my mind?

As for the album itself, I haven't even listened to it the whole way through once, so I can't pass judgment just yet. (Did you know you can spell it judgment OR judgement? Tangential, I know, but pretty cool just the same.) The vocals are way pronounced and I GUESS it's darker, like all the reviews are saying, but hey - it's still Dave. Dunno.

the night before - the morning after

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