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me as a powerpuff girl

a million dollars

02.24.01 - 7:42pm

If I had a million dollars, I wouldn't buy a fur coat, or a green dress, or even a llama or an emu. I would just pay to make it STOP RAINING so I could go out on a Saturday night in peace and not have to worry about freezing my ass off on public transportation that will tonight be a wet ass since it has been monsooning since I woke up. (OK, I woke up at noon again but I'm sure it's been going on long before that.)

So tonight I'm going to a Mardi Gras party at Lauren and Rin-Rin's but it's going to be a bit weird. Not because I'm dressing in some crazy NOLA stripper gear, but because I really don't hang out with the newsroom kids anymore (ever). And I feel rather out of place, out of my magazine element. Luckily I am bringing my new boy (?! yes!) and since he knows no one either, we can hang out in the corner and drink Teresa's famous punch until I'm sick. Yay!

O, and for joy, I got to see a tour bus last night. It rather sucked, but at least I can say I was working on my article. Which I don't care about anymore (oh? did I ever care? I think, but it seems so long ago) and I just want to go on vacation. Vacation. VACATION.

the night before - the morning after

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