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me as a powerpuff girl

coffee and tortellini

02.05.04 - 11:37 a.m.

Finally, after two days in which I felt like the walking dead (braaaains!), the sun comes out and I have the most restful night of sleep all week. Lately I've been sweating in the middle of the night, so much that I wake up with the bottom sheet soaked. I have wet the bed with my own sweat. This is disgusting and yet I always go to bed freezing. How does the room heat up so much overnight?

That was written yesterday morning, when I felt re-hoovenated and even smiley. By the end of the day, I was back to my draggy self. There must be a carbon monoxide leak by my desk. Now Dan is waking up before the alarm too. What is wrong with us?

However, since they do so much to stem my morning yawns, I must apologize to the Costa Rican coffee beans I so easily dismissed as inferior. Beans, you are just as tasty as the Mexican version I usually buy. You have to understand my mental state when I bought you -- it was early on a Monday, I hadn't had coffee for two days and I was already late for work when I walked into the market. When I saw the "out of stock" sign on bin 29203, I panicked. I didn't know where to go and so I directed my rage at you. You poor, defenseless nuggets of caffeine.

Now I see the error in my ways. You have just as many rich chocolate undertones as my Mexican loves, and I do enjoy your subtle taste of honey. Who knows? This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship for you and me.

This morning we had a small crisis. While I was frantically searching for a winter-appropriate above-the-knee skirt to wear with the argyle tights I found at Moom's house over Christmas (tights I used to wear in high school, people. How they still wearable, I don't know, but they are SMOKIN'), Dan was being a good househusband and boiling up some tortellweeni for our lunch. Only he didn't notice the large letters on the package that said "MEAT-FILLED" until after he'd dumped them into the water. Ew! What a sad, sad waste of pasta.

Since there's nothing else in the fridge that could make a quick meal (unless you are going for the fruit and hot sauce combo that is currently sweeping the culinary world), we shall be forced to have Whole Foods for lunch. Oh darn.

the night before - the morning after

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