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me as a powerpuff girl

i gave up morning coffee for this

06.20.01 - 8:55 a.m.

Here�s a little-known fact about women, specifically those in their early/mid-twenties: they are DISGUSTING. You may think it�s only frat boys who know how to keep a filthy house, but live with a few college women for a while and you�ll soon see the truth. No one really knows how to wash a floor or clean a bathroom, and the amount of hair in the apartment would rival any salon. Really. Am I the only clean person left on earth?

But it�s a good thing to have roommates, specifically one of mine, because she works at Blockbuster. Which means free movies, lots of �em, all the time. I can quickly see where my summer is going. Yesterday alone I watched Save the Last Dance and Proof of Life, and was going to watch The Newton Boys but couldn�t keep my eyes open. I believe a list of movies is in order.

So much to say � this may be a periodically updated entry since I don�t have the time, or the home resources. The internet guy comes Friday. Woo.

the night before - the morning after

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