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me as a powerpuff girl

it's a school night

07.01.01 - 9:53 p.m.

We had a GREAT idea today. Caroline and I were inspired to walk from our house to the Taste of Chicago. Not a bad walk, we thought, not an overly hot day. It�s only the whole way from Belmont to Grant Park.

Well. I now have a blister the size of the city on my heel. Bad, bad idea. Naughty. Around Clark and Division, what we figured to be the, oh, FOURTH MILE, I limped over to Osco for the biggest Band-Aids I could find. And then hopped onto the Red Line for the rest of the journey. Not to mention that there were more turkey legs at the Taste, but less extreme fashion, and also an Allman Brothers cover band, aptly titled Eat A Peach. Oh lord, it feels like I�m dyin�!

And now I�m watching America�s Favorite Adulterous Sweetheart and Kevin Kline pretending to be Frainch. Hnaw hnaw hnaw. They�re in Cannes, or Nice, or somewhere on the Riviera. It makes me want a Bloody Mary and a beach chair, mais j�aime mieux Sleepless in Seattle.

"When you�re attracted to someone, it just means that your subconscious is attracted to their subconscious � subconsciously. So what we think of as fate is just two neuroses knowing they�re a perfect match."


the night before - the morning after

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