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me as a powerpuff girl

metal baby

07.17.01 - 10:45 p.m.

Uhhhhhh....Hotmail did a redesign. I am so confused. I think it's going to take me some time to adjust.

But before I was so rudely interrupted by my inbox, I was at the Teenage Fanclub show. Yes, the same band whose album Bandwagonesque was chosen over Nirvana's Nevermind by the SPIN editors for Best Album of 1991. Well, actually, Bandwagonesque has remained in my CD rotation longer. So retrospect isn't that bad.

But do the people who shout out song requests at concerts realize what ASSHOLES they're being? Here are these nice Scottish boys who say 'thank you' very earnestly after every song and sing their lovely harmonious happy tunes, and you're bellowing "HANG ON!" "MAD DOG 20/20!" "ALCOHOLIDAY!" (which actually I wouldn't have minded hearing) in my ear. As if the speakers weren't loud enough. I feel fans like that aren't appreciative of what the band's doing, and whether the band would like to play something other than their one major hit for once.

I just did not realize how many members of Teenage Fanclub sang the songs! For some reason, I was under the impression it was all Norman. The only one who didn't sing was the keyboard boy (I can't even say man. or guy) they had with them. I'm not sure why he was there, really, since he didn't play on many of the songs and just sat blankly, in the corner of the stage, looking like the geekiest geek I've ever seen. He was cracking me up, I tell you.

And I have a compulsion that I also did not realize before tonight. I have to stand on the left side of the stage, I just HAVE to! Thinking back to all the general admission shows I've seen, that's where I've always been standing. I am an odd bird. Maybe next time I'll try for the right.

the night before - the morning after

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