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me as a powerpuff girl

if I come to New York, can I sleep on your floor?

07.19.01 - 8:44 p.m.

Eeeeeep. I'm going to Jersey and I'm too tired to even be excited anymore, and I still haven't figured out how I'm getting to the airport. And I'm trying to keep the packing down to three pairs of shoes. And I can't forget band-aids. Because they don't have band-aids in New Jersey, or in normal people's houses, they have to come from my house in Chicago.

Got the magazine prototypes yesterday. I really can't look at it; it doesn't seem real, tangible, just more printouts of the pages I'd been designing for a month. Seriously. We designed that whole fucker in a month. I know, people put out magazines monthly, fool, but they have TEMPLATES to work from. I had to make the sodding templates myself. The suits page looks great, though. And the 'freezing your eggs' spread. And the COLORS.

I am happy. My website looks good, I'll only have to report one story next week, and I'm going on mini-vacation. I can even go to bed right now if I want to. (And I want to.)

the night before - the morning after

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