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me as a powerpuff girl

ah, the power of cereal

07.26.01 - 8:39 p.m.

On my way home I saw a man wearing a t-shirt that said "PANTS" in big letters across it. Funny! And I was wearing my Burberry hat so I couldn't make my not-long, not-curly hair blow like Felicity's while waiting for the El.

I bought myself all sorts of sensible, dinner-type meals to eat like a normal person, and what did I have when I got home? A bowl of cereal and, yep, Cheez-its. Luckily the box will be empty soon. Why can't I just eat all four food groups?

I was trying to discuss with Caroline why it is that cereal is the best food, the best meal ever. I wonder if our parents ate cereal as voraciously as kids our age do. I know my moom has an affinity for Cheerios, but then, she's just about as normal as me (meaning, not much). I think it has to do with the appearance of Froot Loops and Lucky Charms and all those wonderful, candy-coated FORBIDDEN cereals when we were growing up. Before then, what was there? Shredded wheat? Probably wasn't even bite-size.

So cereal became this special thing, this privileged thing, as well as the easy-to-eat thing our parents shoved in our faces every morning instead of bacon and eggs. And now, instead of reaching for the frying pan or the casserole dish, we go for the big yellow box.

And hot damn, tomorrow's Friday. A whole week has gone by without me realizing it!

the night before - the morning after

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