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me as a powerpuff girl

you make bathtime lots of fun

08.06.01 - 7:53 p.m.

Funny how I get the overwhelming urge to clean my kitchen any time I have to actually do schoolwork. And cleaning kitchen with orange spray cleaner while drinking orange tea bubble bath next! No, no. I am responsible. I am an adult. I will start the article, since I found out it's not due until 5 pm tomorrow! Woooooooo!

And Moomy was once again afraid I was dead, this time because of the flood and the El wreck, even though I assured her (repeatedly) the authorities would have contacted her had real harm actually come to me. But since authorities and notification are sensible things, logical things, of course they wouldn't have occurred to her. This is a woman who wouldn't let me go to Pittsburgh on the weekends because "people die in Pittsburgh." And Greensburg is a community of immortals, I forgot.

Can I just talk about how much I love my orange shower gel, though? I know I'm not alone here, it's the satsuma Body Shop brand that we all know and surreptitiously sniff throughout the day when we buy it on our lunch hours. OK, maybe that's just me. This stuff makes my shower every morning. (And my three favorite life necessities, as we all know, are sleeping, eating and showers.) I've been using it for years but for some reason it reminds me most of my summer at Interlochen. I think this has to do with the fact that we have a window in our shower - looking out onto yet another wall, naturally - that makes me feel I'm back in the open air at camp. Ahhhhhh.

Fuck the article, I'm going for the bath.

the night before - the morning after

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