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me as a powerpuff girl

summer's letters on the ground

08.08.01 - 9:25 p.m.

Ah. So tired, even though I moved from my chair about as many times today as I have fingers. And toes, maybe. But I definitely didn't leave the building. My eyes are buggy and the keyboard is spinning. No good.

I brought two quintessentially summer CDs as my commuter soundtrack today: going south, Spilt Milk, by Jellyfish, and going north, Tonight and the Rest of my Life, by Nina Gordon. Both have distinct memories of summers years, nay, light years apart from each other. I listened to Jellyfish nonstop during Summer 1993, the year we went to San Francisco. The year I bought my first pair of orange Converse, the year I voluntarily wore size XL Lemonheads t-shirts and the year I started dating Jeff. Well, he gave me their other album, Bellybutton, so he wasn't all bad.

For a second there I thought Spilt Milk came out in 1991 and I cringed at the thought that I'd been listening to it for ten years. But no. Thank God. Only my R.E.M. obsessions have lasted that long.

Last summer was the summer of Nina Gordon. I'd wake up to it late in the morning since my waitressing day usually didn't start until 4pm and mill around the house for hours and hours. Vivid memories of sitting on the porch, waiting for something to happen, but I do that every summer I'm in Johnstown. Driving to Kurt's house to hang out with Phil. Definitely thinking of my room and its hideous pink blinds and country wallpaper no one ever let me take down. Boxes in the corners, stereo balancing on a chair for 4 months.

Uhhhhh, bad times. Ophira and Tali Edut are mentioned in this month's Jane. They were in Sassy once, the girls who painted their car with swirly things pictures of Grover and all whatnot. Am I the only one who remembers these things? Who has memorized almost every page of that damn magazine?

New Glen Phillips album! Wooooo!

the night before - the morning after

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