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me as a powerpuff girl

the meandering thoughts of my day

11.19.01 - 4:17 p.m.

Yes, and no one updates on the weekend, but I posted twice on Friday, so there.

I want to have a pants party, where everyone wears their favorite pair of pants, just so I can say "there's a party in my pants" on the invitation.

Why do I like magazines anyway? I've heard so much criticism in and outside of Medill that they're a dying breed, but I can't imagine life without them. Magazines are information presented at a leisurely pace, to be picked up in stolen and spare moments or to devote an entire afternoon. Magazines can be elegant, irreverent or sobering in a way that newspapers cannot -- they remain even more accessible than the Internet -- magazines breathe. They give us what we need to know and what we aspire to be. They are my luxury, my lifeline, my fantasy world wrapped in 72 pages of edit.

I was having a great morning until I came here. I was listening to the Sliding Doors soundtrack, daydreaming about taking Dan to London, and then I'm sucked into this oppressive environment. Why can't everyone do their best to come to work with a smile on their face, rather than ready to bring everyone else down?

Mmmm, but I do have coffee. If my commute weren't an hour, I'd bring the coffee in from home. But have YOU ever tried to get on a sardine-packed Path train with a leaky thermos? It's not the brightest idea.

I love Sprite! And not just because the Kross Kriss drinks the Krissy-krossy twist of unexpectedness that you should never miss either. It's sugar water - but it's SO GOOD! I am trying to hold off eating my lunch for another half hour, just so I can make it through the afternoon, but ohhh, my turkey sandwich looks tasty. I can't take it! I am not meant to starve! I am meant to eat like a French king!

I just sent an email with the aforementioned magazine stuff to Mr. Bob Creative Director. I don't care if it's too much, I don't care if it's too pushy anymore. Maybe I haven't been doing enough to secure me a job. Maybe I should just scream flat-out how much I want this position.

I am eating my turkey sandwich.

What should I get Dad for Christmas? Should I even buy Christmas presents at all this year? I mean, I can only think of a gift for Carol - the kitchen torch - and I guess I could get Dad a new Trivial Pursuit at FAO like I'd planned a few years ago, but I can barely afford to pay my rent. The money I have now is other people's, anyway. Dad would essentially be buying a present for himself. Which is pretty much what has happened every year - I don't know why I care now.

Two hours and fifteen minutes to go. And half of All Families are Psychotic left to read. And then happy British music to listen to on the way home.

the night before - the morning after

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